CppSim/VppSim is free for academic and commercial use, and the install file includes all files necessary to run CppSim/VppSim along with supporting programs such as NGspice and the PLL Design Assistant. However, it is also useful to separately install Python, Octave, or Matlab® in order to improve post-processing capability on the simulation results of CppSim/VppSim. No warranty or support is provided with this software.
Windows 10/8/7/Vista/Xp (247MB)
MacOS (1.12GB)
Linux Redhat/Centos Enterprise 5 (166MB)
Windows - Double-click on the downloaded file setup_cppsim5.exe
(See note below on also installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package)
Mac OS - Double-click on the downloaded file CppSimMacInstall.dmg
(For Ngspice, also install XQuartz: see
xquartz.org webpage)
Linux - Extract the downloaded file cppsim_linux_install.tar.gz and update .bashrc file
(You must also have Tcl/Tk, Wine, zlib, and g++ compiler installed on your system)
For all of the above, read the CppSim/VppSim Primer found on the Manuals web page for more detailed installation instructions.
Read the CppSim/VppSim Primer found on the Manuals web page, and look through the FAQ page for additional information.
For the Windows version of CppSim, some computers require installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) in order to run NGspice. This is a small set of DLL files, and can be downloaded and installed directly from Microsoft's website at:
After install, you'll need to run the following commands in Terminal:
sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine /Applications/CppSimView.app
sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine /Applications/PllDesign.app
sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine ~/CppSim
Download the following file, unzip, and place in /Applications:
CppSimPyView.zip (90MB)
After placing in /Applications, you'll need to run the following command in Terminal:
sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine /Applications/CppSimPyView.app
Download the following file, place in any folder, and unzip:
CppSimPyView_script.zip (37kB)
Within the CppSimView_script folder, run the following command in Terminal:
python3 CppSimPyView.py
Note: you may need to recompile cppsimdata_lib.c --- see README file for instructions